Will all exports to the EU be subject to inspection in the UK and then in France?

The legislation and processes that HMRC has put in place for a No Deal exit are designed to ensure a functioning customs system is in place on 12 April, if necessary. HMG will continue to carry out checks on goods arriving into the UK on a risk basis, using the information available. Over time we will be putting in place more systems and requirements to strengthen our approach to compliance.

Traffic flow will be maintained in UK RoRo locations through the requirements for pre-lodgement of customs declarations. Compliance checks will take place away from the RoRo location, except where Border Force stop traffic for checks, as they do now. This means that in UK RoRo locations traffic will not routinely be stopped for customs controls, and traffic flow will not be impacted.

All live animals, germplasm and animal by products and products of animal origin will need to be get an Export Health Certificate signed by an Official Vet. This process will involve an inspection. The French BIP will then check these documents and undertake physical checks on a percentage of consignments.

There is more flexibility for fish and fish products. They still require an Export Health Certificate but this can be signed by an authorised official such as an Environmental Health Officer. We are also adopting a risk-based approach to certification, allowing authorised officials to exercise judgement on whether a physical inspection is necessary or they can rely on existing evidence of compliance to EC regulations. This is conditional on premises where the products originate being subject to regular inspection.